Sunday, December 29, 2002
It was the playwright Arthur Miller who said, "A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself, I suppose." I agree completely, and bring up the point because a few people have mentioned to me that many of my posts on this blog involve me quoting stories and opinions from newspapers, particularly T&T's two main dailies, the Express and the Guardian. While this is true, I do not however, simply cut and paste. I add my own two cents' worth as well, as do most other bloggers who quote from the media. In this way, blogging is, as a friend put it, a media critiquing tool, and one that it would seem is gaining steady ground and legitimacy.
I just think that if a newspaper is a nation talking to itself, then what I do here is in its own little way, the self talking back.
posted by Jonathan |
3:16 PM