Saturday, January 04, 2003
"Thing is, people love the way he raps. Even when they're agonizing over the content, they can't get enough of the form. To these people I can confirm Dina Rae's judgement: Sweet. Lovely. Shy. But even if he wasn't, so what? Salvador Dali was an asshole. So was John Milton. Eminem's life and opinions are not his art. His art is his art. Sometimes people with bad problems make good art. The interesting question is this: When the problems go, does the art go, too? Oh, and if that word 'art' is still bothering you in the context of a white-trash rapper from Detriot, here's a quick, useful definition of an artist: someone with an expressive talent most of us do not have."
- Zadie Smith, from an article entitled "The Zen of Eminem" in the November 2002 issue of Vibe magazine.
posted by Jonathan |
10:56 AM