Notes from a small island
A weblog by Jonathan Ali

Sunday, May 04, 2003  

"It's ironic that 'Hail To The Thief' emerges at a time when the fashion once more is for a more primitive musical experience. Both The Strokes and The White Stripes have shown that a pared-down emotional rawness can be both commercially and critically successful. Once again, Radiohead find themselves an anachronism but this time not in a particularly positive way. They feel cumbersome and self-important besides these younger groups and now face a challenge that groups like U2 and REM have had to wrestle with: how to stay relevant when you're surrounded by such heavy expectation and machinery."

- from the NME review of Hail To The Thief, the latest album from a band I used to like a lot, Radiohead. And...

posted by Jonathan | 8:58 PM 0 comments


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